Living the Blues





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4 Antworten auf Living the Blues

  1. Uwe sagt:

    Since you’ve been gone
    I’ve been walking around
    With my head bowed down to my shoes
    I’ve been living the blues
    Ev’ry night without you

    I don’t have to go far
    To know where you are
    Strangers all give me the news
    I’ve been living the blues
    Ev’ry night without you

    I think that it’s best
    I soon get some rest
    And forget my pride
    But I can’t deny
    This feeling that I
    Carry for you deep down inside

    If you see me this way
    You’d come back and you’d stay
    Oh, how could you refuse
    I’ve been living the blues
    Ev’ry night without you

    Bob Dylan

  2. Francis J sagt:

    „This feeling that I
    Carry for you deep down inside“
    How well you caught it here, this feeling, Uwe. And I love the signs painted on the street showing the two possibilities: come back or go away…

  3. Lakritze sagt:

    Gar kein flammendes Herz.

  4. Fritsch sagt:

    Schlurfend in das Blau … das ist der Blues. Gelebt & in diesem wunderbaren Bild mehr gefühlt, denn gesehen. Das Herz wird schwer. Großartig, Uwe!

    Viele Grüße & weiterhin sichere Straßen, Fritsch.

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