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4 Antworten auf Solitär

  1. Francis J sagt:

    I really like this new format of directly visible photos. As for this composition, it offers something joyful, something as simple as hello, something that is too often lacking in the world we live in.

    • Uwe sagt:

      Yes, thank you, I like it better that way too. My administrator has changed something. I don’t know what, but it works. The photos are larger and jump so faster and more intense to the eye.

      The photo was taken in Denmark. A country that, because of its landscape and its inhabitants, always seems to me like a kind of dope that awakens in me love of life and triggers a feeling of pure worldliness.

  2. Und da will man beim Anblick doch glatt die Frage nach der Henne & dem Ei vergessen. Unerheblich. Hauptsache da & schön.

    Viele Grüße & weiterhin sichere Straßen, Fritsch.

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