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3 Antworten auf Photoautomat

  1. Francis J sagt:

    For me, as for many people, photography started with this, what we call in French a „photomaton“. The identity papers, to go to England for the first time. i was ten years old. before that, i had never seen photos. i had never seen television. Of myself, i only knew my image in the mirrors. And that was quite enough.

    • Uwe sagt:

      Interesting reminder, Francis, that got me thinking. And yes, for me too, in addition to family photos, it was mainly these vending machines where I was deliberately referred to my face and its external appearance and expression, not to take a selfie, but for an objective purpose, such as identity cards and other documents. It was also nice to sit together with a friend or girlfriend in the booth and make faces, fun pictures, as they are made today inflationary with the cell phone and distributed in the net.


  2. Und doch meine ich das jedes Bild, das wir machen, am Ende eine Bild unserer selbst ist. Aber das ist ja kein Widerspruch zu Euch. Ganz im Gegenteil … eine Ergänzung und Erfahrung, die ich selbst erst als junger Mann machte, lange nachdem ich anfing zu fotografieren.

    Viele Grüße & weiterhin sichere Straßen, Fritsch.

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